QA Trends 2023

Janos Szenfner
3 min readJan 23, 2023


It’s critical to stay up to date with the most recent trends and tools because the software quality assurance (QA) sector is always changing and evolving. Businesses can enhance their software testing procedures as we head towards 2023 thanks to some interesting innovations in QA. Here are some things you should be aware of regarding 2023’s anticipated developments in software quality assurance:

1. Automation Testing:

Over the past few years, automated testing has grown in popularity as businesses seek to accelerate development cycles and boost productivity. The ability to swiftly test a variety of scenarios without having to manually enter data or run tests every time something in the codebase or the environment changes will make automation a crucial tool for any successful QA team in 2023. This provides precise findings that may be utilized to decide how to best improve your application’s performance before releasing it into production environments while also saving time and money.

Additionally, automated tests give teams access to more in-depth data than manual testers generally have during exploratory testing sessions, so they can see flaws more clearly while debugging them.

2. AI-Driven Quality Assurance:

This trend will only continue over the next year leading up to 2023, when AI-driven quality assurance solutions may even become commonplace within development teams due to their ability to provide proactive feedback based on a statistical analysis of past releases/features. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated with modern software engineering practices, such as DevOps pipelines, making predicting potential problems easier.

3 Continuous Integration & Delivery Practices:

These techniques involve automating many aspects of the deployment process from the start to finish, including building source code, running unit/integration tests, deploying artifacts onto various environments, validating functionality through end-user acceptance criteria, etc. Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) are two closely related concepts that together form an effective way of delivering high-quality applications quickly without compromising reliability. CI/CD allows developers to spend less time waiting around while builds are complete freeing up resources and focusing instead on improving the overall product experience.

4 Cloud Computing Technologies:

Scalability benefits from cloud computing technologies like cloud storage, virtual machines, serverless architectures, etc. Cost-saving flexibility enables organizations to scale out services whenever necessary; as a result, businesses no longer need to invest heavily in upfront hardware infrastructure but instead only pay for the services they use, significantly lowering the overall operational costs related to managing IT systems.

5 Shift-Left Testing: Shift-left testing is an approach to performance testing earlier in the life cycle.

Requirements are often positioned on the left side of the workflow in the traditional software development life cycle, while delivery and testing are positioned on the right. The drawbacks of the conventional approach for business include time consumption, a delay in bug detection, and rising prices. With Shift-left, software development teams can collaborate more actively to make sure that all initial ideas can be realistically and correctly developed. This strategy enables businesses to provide the best results while cutting down on product marketing time. It enables the QA team to collaborate closely with the product team and development team.

Early in the SDLC, we can find issues by using shift-left testing. We can guarantee great code quality and save time and money by testing early on in the software development process.

Created by Janos Szenfner and David Bolla

Sources used and read during the creation of this article:



Janos Szenfner

Innovative QA Manager, IT Evangelist, and Strategic Thought Leader with proven in-field experience.